The first four curses that are going to be rolled out are, Basic Electricity 101, Refrigerator Service, Sealed System Service, and Introduction to Running a Small Business.
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When are the courses offered?
We are a team of Appliance Repair Business Owners, Technicians, and Teachers. Our goal is to provide a unique learning environment. Yes there are other sites which offer training and forums, hopefully our material will stand out as being different, engaging, and informative.
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How does TMM Academics work?
We are building an online platform that will encompass self study learning modules with videos coupled with live classroom style instruction.
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Is there live online training?
How long are the courses?
Each course varies with the time that it will take to deliver its content the first 4 courses are still under construction. Currently they are in the development stages and will be released as content is finished and refined. Most of the courses are broken into 5 chapters and will take about 2 to 3 days per chapter to complete.
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Paid members will have access to all of the recorded sessions and based on your member level can view them at your leisure.
Can I review my previous recorded sessions?
Of course our forum will have a section for members to request training on specific machines or products. Our team will evaluate the requests and based on the demand will provide content to help you out wiht your request.